CMDI is a non-profit imaging cooperative owned by our member hospitals.

Capital Preservation.

CMDI Member-Owner
Hospitals Benefit from:

State-of-the-art imaging equipment with no capital outlay.
Full-service coverage included in service level agreements.
Pro rata share of ALL profits within the cooperative.
Established vendor relationships and flexible upgrade paths.
CMDI works with the hospital’s vendor of choice.
Flexibility, ownership, and peace of mind.

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Over $57.1 Million Distributed Back to our Member-Owner Hospitals in the Past 5 Years

CMDI is dedicated exclusively to the imaging needs of our 85 member-owner hospitals.

Member-Owner Hospitals

We Know:

  • Scanner downtime impacts access and timely care of critically ill patients
  • Imaging technology is constantly changing and improving
  • Equipment and service can be cost prohibitive for many hospitals
  • Hospital budgets can't withstand unplanned service bills
  • Capital preservation through CMDI allows hospitals to save limited resources or redeploy that capital elsewhere
  • CMDI was founded in 1985 for the sole benefit of our member-owner hospitals
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350,000+ Scans Conducted by Members Annually

Mobile and Fixed Units by Modality

  • 62 CT scanners
  • 36 MRI scanners
  • 48 Mammography systems
  • 47 Ultrasound/Echo systems
  • 24 Digital Radiography equipment and systems
  • 16 Nuclear Medicine systems
  • 11 Bone Densitometry systems
  • 1 Linear Accelerator

Next Steps

To find out more about CMDI, or to discuss specific imaging needs, please contact us.

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